
I should be getting ready

I need to go to church really soon x3 but I'm lingering over my laptop.
Today wasn't half as bad as I thought it would be, seriously.
Plus I look really cute today /so modest/.
I have been wearing like 90 percent less makeup, only on my eyes now, because I'm starting to get better. Thank you God so much for making my face work for summer, and keep it on :D

I'm SO excited for this coming Wednesday. I get to see my friends! We're getting really close, just by having our weekly party.
I miss them all so much, they were all on vacation for the last two weeks.
What happens is this; we get there and say hi and stuff, and we usually go in the house until people come or are outside a while, and there are usually like five boys or more and (including me) six girls at least. We all go on the playground across from their house and play Sandman (a game of blind tag only if they say sandman and you're on the woodchips you're automatically it). When it gets dark, a game of zombie Infection ensues. I LOVE IT ALL. Plus i can be my weird old self.
Super excited.
;_; I need them right now, I'm friend deprived feeling at the moment.

Also I was worried about my weight (pssssh) because I felt so heavy (ok you caught me, I ate a whole box of sweetarts), but I can't get higher than 106 pounds. I've been that heavy for ages now. I'm underweight but healthy :3

Also I have a new addcition: breath spray xD I spray that thing all the time. I need to get to the dollar store and get more.

I think I'll post later, I'm talkative and my friends really have't been online ;_;
Except Stacy. I TOTALLY need to get back to her. I probably look like a lousy friend D:

Jellyfish signing out just for now.

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