
Dollar Tree

After driver's ed today (which I will go into extreme detail about momentarily) we went everywhere.
We had to drive PAST our house (mom wouldn't let me get out D:) and went to the Dollar Tree across town. Half an hour drive. I didn't like it until we got there. I swear the people there thought we were crazy or SOMETHING. Teresa and I did all this stupid stuff, like having head jousts with big party hats and throwing tons of candy into the cart when mom wasn't looking and pretending to disgustingly make out with a twilight-themed box of candy hearts (*pukes*). It was really fun though.

I can now PERFECTLY mimic my dear new piano teacher after being with her less than a year. She has a sweet, loud voice and a heavy Canadian accent.

So at drivers ed today, with the usual kids =_=, we learned tons about situations and roundabouts and other things like that.
I swear, if I had a dollar for every time our driver's ed teacher said "Out there" as in "So you're going to need to keep your low beams on if the cars on the other side are 500 feet away out there," I'd be rolling in money.
the best part was I crossed something out that wasn't supposed to be crosses out on me 3001 form, and he gave me a new one. I screwed up other things too, good thing I got to fix them. I misspelled February and put 'dishwater blond' as my hair xC Good thing I as able to fix that.

I might make this place completely private someday, just to be able to spill my best thoughts to myself.
But no matter about that.
I probably won't.

Jellyfish, signing off.

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