
My Muscles are Screaming in Agony

That gym class just showed my how out of shape I had gotten over the summer like hand sanitizer shows you that you have a cut on your hand that you never knew you had.

It was a first class of the season, too.
Though, she did go right ahead and start with 5 laps and this most tortuous push-up things where you had to be in push up position and bend your arms slightly, and it was agonizing.

Then, Maria and I were talking so much during our situps that was accidentally did over 90 (we'll just say at least 35 good quality situps). My stomach muscles punch my stomach every time I move D:

The fun didn't really being until MUCH later when we played a sort of dodgeball. 18 small balls, two teams.
Unfortunately, being a particularly talented thrower, I got out easily because people could catch them. Boo.
You had to keep moving in the sidelines when you were out, so I did a little dance or so until I got back in. It was crazy. I didn't even like that game.
Afterwards, we played football.
I won't give more details on that.

Either way, I'm just a mass of sore muscle right now, with a migraine.

"insert extremely relevant and emotionally suiting inspiring song lyrics here"

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