I really love SlipKnot.
They are AMAZING. I love Duality and Eyeless, and No Life, and I Am Hated.
And others.
I looked up all of them. They all have awesome masks. I'm sure you wouldn't know what I was talking about, but this one guy in the band who does percussion (one of three drummers really) who has a mask with a long nose (his name is Chris Fehn) is born on my birthday! He's 23 years older, but still.
And I got over my fear of puking, when I found this hilarious story; Okay, so this one guy in the band who wears a clown mask found a dead crow on his driveway. He kept it in a huge pickle jar and took it on stage with him. When it started to rot, he'd open the jar. it would make him puke all over the inside of his mask. Then he'd offer the puke to people in the crowd and they'd take it and then puke themselves.
Also, he was given a beaver's tail that a cop found on the side of the road. On stage, he and the singer squeezed it on their faces and ate it.
Then they puked and puked and puked later on, and asked each other why the hell they did that.
And Chris Fehn pukes at 7:25 in the song Scissors.
Unfortunately, I don't get to be not scared of anything.
As soon as I got over my fear, my little 2 year old brother Q got puking sick.
I opened the door to his room when it was time for him to get up from his nap when he was crying and crying. I picked him up right away and hugged him mentioning to him how warm, sweaty, and wet he was, and went into his room to turn off his sound machine and open his blinds.
And in his bed and stuff was a lot of puke.
And I put him down.
He was warm with puke. I ran to the stairs, screaming for dad, and they started taking care of him as I quickly changed, washed my hands, washed my cheeks and sprayed disinfectant into my hair and put in it a ponytail.
Then I sprayed every single object in sight with disinfectant.
It took all day, and i saw almost every single time he threw up again.
Sick D:
Worse for me is my awful, life-altering fear of puking.
I get so freaked.
Now I'm still shaking after he's almost recovered if I'm going to get puking sick, or anyone else.
Besides the fact my parents, friends, and siblings don't want to hear about it and I can't get help to make me feel better about wanting to not feel bad, I have been quite cheery lately.
After a considerably horrible week and a considerably awful last week, I am happy to know that we'll be taking a mini-vacation to the WI Dells. We'll be going to the House on the Rock, and staying overnight at Chula Vista resort.
I really pray we don't get sick then. Wouldn't that blow?
I have memorized the number 742617000027 because it's a name of a song by SlipKnot. The name came from the bar code on their first album made, and they coined the number.
The song just says over and over with different speeds to weird, squealy guitars, "The whole thing I think is SICK."
I also bought a wizard's hat and a gorilla key chain with an LED light inside. I used them both in some pictures, and I am very pleased with them xD
I have gotten together my halloween party plans. Finally. I plan to send out invitations the first week of October. The plan is for my friends to come at noon, we eat, then hang around, get into our costumes and listen to music, and then at 4 we all go trick-or-treating. Afterwards, a sleepover with a scary movie commences :D
My costume, I have decided, will be an undead clown.
I will do my face in a huge clown smile, but blacken out around the eyes a bit and add the generic blue star thing to each eye. I also might make my eyebrows a bit more expressively angry.
Then, I'll let the blood run out of my mouth and get it all over my chin and stuff, make some running down my white clown face... I also have these temporary tattoos that look like cuts. I'll line them up on my neck to look like someone sliced there, and drip blood from that. I'll also get blood all over my white shirt. I'm going to wear a white shirt under a (rather fashionable) 'leather' jacket, and keep the jacket open and have a tie around my neck, and jeans and converse on.
I still need a wig from a Halloween store or Bart's, blood from anywhere (I don't have enough at the moment), a tie from Goodwill, and some clown make-up from Kmart or someplace.
If I get knee converse by then, I'll be even happier.
So enough with that then.
I can't wait!
"Everything sucks and I can prove it,
Everybody dies, shuffle on, remove it..."
~ SlipKnot (I Am Hated)