
One Vivid Dream/Nightmare

I had this totally awesome wild scary intimidating nightmare last night!

So, we were staying at a hotel (my mom and I, and Gemma was there too) that was half hotel, and half my lower floor of my house. The outside had huge steps covered in large reject statues by Michelangelo. People said he made them but no one liked them so there they sat. I accidentally knocked them over being a klutz. All of a sudden they were seemingly small so I picked them all up and put them on our dryer to be glued. In the process, I found this awesome rare stone arm, and after showing it to my mom she pretended it was no big deal but ran off with it to sell it, and I redeemed myself. Meanwhile, Gemma was very upset about the statues and she really felt oddly towards me for some strange reason.

Later on I realized my favorite part of being at a hotel was the pool. After thinking I already saw it, I went looking for it. I saw signs for it posted but it just seemed to lead to random places where there was no pool, or there wouldn't be another sign guiding me to the pool. Finally I went into our kitchen that molded into a huge awesome restaurant that sort of looked like the Basilica in Milwaukee. At the far end of it (that wasn't as far as it seemed) where the stairs to the organ were, there was a long painting of a beach at the bottom of the wall. There was a rather obvious square in it, and I realized it was a hidden closet. The only thing in there was a trapdoor, and the little room that had it was as wide as the picture but only went back like two and a half feet. I smiled as I realized that was the pool door, and opened it. And it turned to horror. I realized why I rejected the pooli the first place. The trapdoor replaced a ceiling tile to a room below. There was a pool, surrounded by greening, awful tiles. I swear the room was light but there was no light in it. The pool was rectangular, and...it was green. There was stuff in it. You couldn't see the bottom. The more you looked at it the scarier it got as it started to splash up at you, and you were in the ceiling above it. I screamed and closed the door to see  two people down there. I showed my mom and she guess it was the staff pool and they already had to clean so much and they didn't care. The two people down there were my Driver's ed teacher and this one old fat guy who sits behind us in mass. They duplicated and duplicated, and came up the stairs. The hotel was my house. They were coming up the basement stairs. Somehow on the way they acquired knight costumes. One of them (one of the duplicated Driver's Ed teachers) headed towards our mudroom with his knight costume on, holding a two handled rocking cooking knife with the intent to kill my sister with it. My sister was outside on her motor scooter but as he was going to open the door, she came in (also donned in knight armor). She wasn't afraid but was annoyed when he rocked the knife on her. All the weirdos disappeared when my dream changed.

I was going out. I had my temps. I got Quinny in the car, and I left forgetting all about having a parent in the car. The road was crazy, maniac drivers were everywhere. One blue SUV made a sharp un-signaled U-turn RIGHT in front of me, other people were racing, crashing...and I realized I had no real licence so I frantically raced of to the woods and the roads in there.I came across a double train track, run by the zoo there, and the trains came and went every twenty seconds. Once on passed you had to race to get across.
Then my brakes failed, but I figured out somehow I activated 'iPod control' and the brakes only worked if I held down the play-pause button on my iPod. I was slipping closer to the tracks that were shaking with trains, and my fingers were too sweaty for the iPod. Finally one passed and I JUST missed the other one. I fell out of my car and my iPod was short-signaled so i could work the car. I finally caught it in the woods and we got to a parking lot. I pulled into this large Hobby-Lobby/Rogan's Shoes type brown boxy ugly building. It had 'K  &  K' spaced far apart on it in brown letters, and it was a mix of a Sentry shopping center and KFC. The lot was pretty sparce because people didn't like the chicken. I got my little brother out and we went back to the woods. I took a closer look at the awful tracks, and there were swings over them. I got my brother over them, and he waited as I tried the swings. They were unreasonably high and the trains ran underneath them. I got down quickly. Lots of black people and little babies swung on them. There were two very very ice black ladies who I somehow recognized from some nonexistent award-winning cooking show. They wanted me to swing with them but I lost sight of my brother and had to run. I found him dangerously climbing on two big, fallen Millager's semi trucks. I squealed and jumped on the thing and rescued him. I wondered what they were for but perhaps they explained why the forest floor two miles surrounding them was coated in bright tulips.
Ahead were the Botanical gardens (how on earth did I travel so far?), so I wandered in the sun with my brother there, feeling lost, stressed, and worried about everything. I didn't even have a phone I knew no-one. If anyone found out I didn't have a real licence, what would they do? I had a baby with me! I was worried but I ran into my other brother and sister, and they treated this as normal. They said they walked there (again with the travelling thing). So I told them that it would be dark soon and we couldn't sit there forever, so we tried finding the car. We found a short route around the trains and the whole block was full of the same brown buildings, only with different names. After crying, I spotted  K   &   K across the block after going through tons of parking lots. Apparently people only used the lot for being stupid delinquents in, and I saw some teenagers smashing cars and smoking and drinking. I rushed my siblings past them and almost screamed when I saw a policeman across the lot. there were a few scattered cars and lots of shopping cart stations, and the rather young police guy was totally bored as he chained up cars and carts ad then unchained them. hurriedly I explained to the kids that I was supposed to have a licence and not to let anyone know I only had temps. the bored police wandered over (why wasn't he after those delinquents?!), and was real nice as he shot the breeze. Was asked me if the car was mine. I said yes real hesitantly. Then he asked me if it was comfortable, and I said yes again. I tried my fastest to get my baby brother in his seat, and he helped as my sister was talking rather obviously about how I was a /senior/ already and stuff. Finally I got in nervously and was just about to get out of there when he halfheartedly asked me if I had a licence. I showed him my temps in defeat, and he raised an eyebrow and I quickly made up that my dad was in the store and he would be there in a minute. He pepped up and pointed at the (half lit) store and asked me if he should go get him. He didn't even ask as to what my dad looked like. I said SURE really nicely and as soon as he went in I sped off.
Of course that's where I woke up, but it was long, vivid, and scary D:

:[) Maybe you can interpret this thing. xD

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